31 Years of experience in Special Metals like Titanium, Tantalum, Tungsten, Niobium, Molybdenum, Zirconium and more. Titanex started 1994. The company registered 1997. The initial target to provide a comprehensive web presence with detailed information focusing on Titanium got proofed.
With the Galvex Anodisation Project in Germany - Titanex got its own location within the European Community. Allowing to be even closer to those customers. Facilitating the ordering process.
After Engineering school in 1985 as a Mechanical Engineer founder Andreas Flükiger worked 6 ½ Years for Schlatter. Commissioning in Russia, Bulgaria, Algeria ... The Russian project in Likino was the most impressive one. No Dollars, difficult shopping.... Only the Short Wave Radio with its antenna on the roof of the Hotel. A good time!
In addition Andreas Flükiger made his Post Diploma in Business Administration. 1993 - 1995 entering the Titanium business 1993/94. Initially started as a profit centre within father's company FlükoTER AG. On 1st of October 97 Titanex GmbH was established.
Expect from Titanex a focus on technical details. Help, comments and the extended experience of anodising!
Malin joined in 1996. She holds a Master Diploma in Economics and is responsible for all the accounting.